Monday, March 1, 2010

Brachial Plexus Anatomy 2

Branches from the Roots (3 Branches)

1. Nerve to Serratus anterior - ( Long Thorasic nerve) - C5,6,7

2. Nerve to Subclavius - C5,C6

3. Dorsal scapular nerve - C4,C5

Branches from Trunks (1 Branch)

1. Suprascapular Nerve ( C5-C6) Supply Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus

There are no branches from Divisions

Branches from Cords

Medial cord ( 5 branches) - M4U

1. Medial pectoral nerve

2. Medial root of Median Nerve

3. Medial cutaneius nerve of arm

4. Medial Cutaneous nerve of fore arm

Lateral cord ( 3 branches) LML

1. Lateral root of Median Nerve

2. Musculocutaneous Nerve

2. Lateral pectoral Nerve

Posterior Cord (5 Branches) - ULNAR

1. Upper subscapular

2.Lower subscapular

3. Nerve to Lattismus dorsi ( Toracodorsal Nerve)

4. Axillary Nerve

5. Radial Neve