Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jaw Jerk

The jaw jerk reflex is a motor reflex used to test the status of a patient's trigeminal nerve

The mandible is tapped at a downward angle just below the lips at the chin while the mouth is held slightly open. Normally this reflex is absent or very slight. However in individuals with upper motor neuron lesions the jaw jerk reflex can be quite pronounced.

The reflex is MONOSYNAPTIC, with sensory neurons of the trigeminal MESENCEPHALIC NUCLEUS sending axons to the trigeminal motor nucleus, which in turn innervates the masseter.

This reflex is used to judge the integrity of the upper motor neurons projecting to the trigeminal motor nucleus. Both the sensory and motor aspects of this reflex are subserved by CN V.

It is not part of a standard neurological examination, being used rather if there are other signs of damage to the trigeminal nerve.