Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Limbic System

Paul D. MacLean first introduced the term "limbic system" in a paper in 1952.

It is alo called the "old mammalian system" or the "mammalian brain"in the  Triune brain model

It is the source of emotions and instincts ( Feeding, Fleeing, Fighting and Sexual behaviour- 4 F's)

The components of limbic system  are 

1. Amygdala,

2. Hippocampus

3. Cingulate gyrus

4. Fornicate gyrus

5. Hypothalamus

6. Mammillary body

7. Epithalamus

8. Nucleus accumbens (the "pleasure center")

9. Orbitofrontal cortex

10. Parahippocampal gyrus,

11. Thalamus